Dr. Christian Klepp is a geoscientist and climate researcher from Hamburg. He is also an award-winning landscape photographer, best-selling author and passionate lecturer on how our planet works and how to mitigate the human-induced climate change. Christian Klepp...
The new book Wunderwerk Natur is Christian Klepp’s logical continuation of his Spiegel bestseller Wunderwerk Erde. Wunderwerk Erde describes how our planet functions without us humans. Wunderwerk Natur begins where mankind began to interfere with the Earth...
The SPIEGEL-Bestseller book Wunderwerk Earth is Christian Klepp’s love poem to our planet. In order to understand Earth in all its diversity and to treat our planet sustainably and respectfully, we must know how our planet really works. To accomplish this, Christian...
Keynote speaker, geoscientist, landscape photographer, best-selling author and expert on the Earth system, the Earth’s climate and climate change: Dr. Christian Klepp inspires with his lectures in a vivid and fascinating way for our unique planet Earth. The...
Deutsche Version 01/11 Anywhere out of this World https://www.christianklepp.com/wp-content/uploads/audio/wunderwerk_natur_01_en.mp3 Text version 02/11 Keep Chasing a Dream https://www.christianklepp.com/wp-content/uploads/audio/wunderwerk_natur_02_en.mp3 Text version...