Anchestral Homeland
The Almsee lake in the European Alps of Austria is enshrouded in dense autumn fog and reminds of floating landscapes
The Almsee lake in the European Alps of Austria is enshrouded in dense autumn fog and reminds of floating landscapes
The panorama of the Aletsch Glacier and Fiescher Glacier appears monumental in the looming light of a thunderstorm, with a lightning strike
The nighttime Mont Blanc skyline in the French Alps is reflecting in Lac de Cheserys with the rising Milky Way and fast moving clouds
Dreamy atmosphere at Lago di Saoseo in the Swiss Alps of Graubünden. Backlit by the sun, the fog is rising in the cold morning air
The Mont Blanc massif in the French Alps is reflecting in Lac de Cheserys. The sunset beautifully illuminates foehn clouds
The iconic Matterhorn in Switzerland is reflecting in nighttime Stellisee and dwarfs under the gigantic arc of the Milky Way
Magnificent Lac de Cheserys in the French Alps above Chamonix is reflecting the snowy Mont Blanc massif at dusk with the rising moon