Friday, 14 April 2023 at 7 pm
Uhlandweg 2
38440 Wolfsburg
- Lecture “Wunderwerk Earth” with Dr. Christian Klepp
- Duration 60 – 70 minutes
Tickets for the show in German language:
Wunderwerk Earth
Dr. Christian Klepp presents his Spiegel bestseller book and lecture “Wunderwerk Earth – How Our Planet Works” with his images projected into the planetarium dome.
To understand the Earth in all its diversity and to treat it sustainably and respectfully, we need to know how it works. Geoscientist and landscape photographer Dr. Christian Klepp has been exploring the complex workings of the Earth system for 30 years, discovering over and over again the unique beauty of our home planet. He captures his intimate moments in nature in breathtaking photographs that have already won numerous awards. For some images he needed several years of patience to capture these very special light conditions.
Christian Klepp’s view of our planet bears witness to respect and deep love for the “Wunderwerk Earth”. With his special mixture of profound knowledge and personal experiences, he encourages his audience to appreciate Earth anew and to take decisive action against the all-too-fast human-induced changes.